What is it?

Video Lyrics is an Android application (Play Store) that allows users to create videos with custom images and lyrics synchronized with a song.


You start by adding a song.

step 1

Once the audio has been loaded, you have to add the lyrics of the song.

step 2

Optionally, you can add custom images to show in the background of the video. If you prefer, you can choose a solid color instead of images.

step 3

Once you have the song, the lyrics and the images ready, it's time to align the lyrics with the song. For that, you have to tap the play button and use the four buttons in the red circle while the song is playing.

concatenated curves

The 3° and 4° buttons are used to mark the start and the end of a phrase. If you press these buttons early or after the proper time, you can undo it with the 2° button. The 1° button rewinds the song three seconds back. If two phrases in the song are very close in time, you don't need to end the first one with the 4° button; you can directy end the current phrase and start the next one with the 3° button.

Once you have finished synchronizing the song with the lyrics, you can customize the appearance of the text. Use the little pencil icon to change properties such as color, size, position, text shadow, typeface, etc.

concatenated curves

As you can see in the screenshot above, the video has a watermark at the bottom right of the video. This watermark can be removed later, when exporting the video. This action requires one coin. You can earn coins by either watching ads or buying them. Go to "My coins" section of the app to see the available coins and the different options to get them.

The last step is to create the video (.mp4 file). For that, from the lateral menu, click on "export" and follow the instructions. The resulting video will be available in your gallery or in the "My videos" section of the app.

For a better understanding of how to use the app, it's strongly recommended to watch an example of use in this video.

User data

This app allows you to remove the watermark using coins. These coins are saved in your Google Drive account. This way, you will be able to use them on any Android device where you use your Google account. For this operation to be successful, you'll have to grant permissions to access app data storage in Google Drive. More specifically, when you navigate to "My coins" section in the app, you will need to log in with your Google account to be able to save and get your coins.


All the permissions used by the app as well as the information collected by the app and how it's treated is thoroughly described here.