What is it?

Audio and Text Summarizer is an Android application (Play Store) that allows users to summarize audios and texts using AI. It also lets you generate different styles of writings from your audio or text.


You can write a text, use an audio from your device or record a new one.

step 1

Once you load the audio or the text, you have two main options: EXTRACTOR and GENERATOR.

step 2

In the EXTRACTOR section you have the following options:

 • Summarize
 • Extract key points
 • Extract questions and answers
 • Extract transcription in case of audio.

step 3

You can find more detailed information about these options in the help section.

step 3a

In the GENERATOR section you can generate different styles of writing given an audio or text. The styles are the following:

• Formal • Friendly • Humorous • Argumentative • Easy • Children • Instructional • Descriptive • Emotional • Romantic • Creative • Narrative

concatenated curves

You can find more detailed information about these options in the help section.

step 3a

Once you process the text or audio, you will have the response as shown below, where you will be able to share it or copy it in the clipboard.

concatenated curves

User data

This app allows you to process your audios or texts using coins. These coins are saved in your Google Drive account. This way, you will be able to use them on any Android device where you use your Google account. For this operation to be successful, you'll have to grant permissions to access app data storage in Google Drive. More specifically, when you navigate to the "My coins" section in the app, you will need to log in with your Google account to be able to save and get your coins.


All the permissions used by the app as well as the information collected by the app and how it's treated is thoroughly described here.